Conditions such as bruxism can cause many of our local patients to experience a variety of dental issues, including breakage of restorations, unnatural and premature wear on the adult, permanent teeth, and even jaw pain every day. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to teeth grinding and clenching, and it’s an easy fix with Dr. Bella Hanono and her team in Alpharetta, Georgia: a bruxism mouthguard, also referred to as “oral appliance therapy.” Let’s start by getting a better understanding of bruxism and then discuss using a mouthguard for effective–and affordable!–treatment.
Bruxism is described as a condition characterized by excessive grinding of the teeth and even jaw clenching. It can occur during the day while awake or at night when asleep, and it can be due to various causes. Bruxism may be a temporary condition that occurs in response to stress or anxiety, but it can also become a chronic habit with serious consequences. What causes it can be unknown, but issues such as need of orthodontic treatment or a problematic temporomandibular joint can be reasons why this condition develops.
When diagnosed with bruxism, the Bella Hanono Family Dentistry team often recommends using a bruxism mouthguard or oral appliance. These custom-made devices fit over the teeth and help to protect them from grinding against each other. The mouthguard or oral appliance can also help alleviate jaw pain, headaches, and other symptoms associated with bruxism. In addition, we may recommend relaxation techniques or stress management strategies to reduce anxiety and decrease the likelihood of teeth grinding during times of stress.
Knowing when to seek treatment for bruxism and which treatment is best for you starts with a consultation appointment with Dr. Bella Hanono and her team. Call (770) 343-4052 to request a visit to our office, located at 3155 North Point Parkway, Building G, Suite 200, in Alpharetta, GA.